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Our current Vice President and former California senator and State Attorney joins forces with Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota.

Kamala Harris for President
Tim Walz for Vice President

Business owner, healthcare advocate and mother who has worked across the aisle for the common good of everyday Iowans.

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Sarah Corkery
U. S. Congressional District 2


Current senator focusing on strong public education, healthcare, and good jobs for Black Hawk, Tama and Benton Counties.

Eric Giddens, Incumbent
Iowa Senate District 38

​Joe is a teacher and technology director. He loves helping people and strives to better other people's lives with his work.

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Joe Hegland
Iowa Senate District 34

Current representative fighting to ensure all people have opportunity, quality education and the freedom to pursue their dreams.

Jerome Amos Jr., Incumbent

Iowa House District 62

Current representative committed to economic stability for all, quality schools, and  improving healthcare services.

Timi Brown-Powers, Incumbent


Iowa House District 61

Current representative focused on promoting political and fiscal transparency, economic growth and youth services.

Bob Kressig, Incumbent


Iowa House District 75

Community leader,  local farmer and  volunteer on the Fayette Ambulance Service, a Westfield Township Trustee.

Tim O,Brien

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Iowa House District 68

Former councilman and leader contributing to economic vitality while protecting land and water resources, and  food security.


Board of Supervisors

Kamyar Enshayan

Current supervisor interested in workforce development, labor-management, public health and economic development.


Board of Supervisors

Linda Laylin, Incumbemt

Current representative focused on promoting political and fiscal transparency, economic growth and youth services.


Board of Supervisors

Chris Schwartz, Incumbent

Current BHC jail administrator with thirty years of  local experience. Community volunteer and advocate for  families.

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Nate Neff
County Sheriff

County Elections Manager running for County Auditor to protect our elections and defend our democracy.

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Karen Showalter
County Auditor


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