Black Hawk County Democrats
Your vote only works when you use it.
The 2024 election is fast-approaching and you have a chance to make a real difference. Confirm your registration, decide when to vote and cast your ballot.
Register to Vote
Register to vote online.
Print and mail in your registration.
Register at the County Courthouse until Oct. 21
Register on election Day.
Confirm My Registration
Confirm your registration by visiting the Iowa Secretary of State's website. All is good if your status is Active. If it is Inactive, make it active again, make it active by voting on Nov. 5th.
Make a Plan for Voting
Decide how you want to vote.
By Absentee Mail-in Ballot?
By Early in-Person Voting?
At your polling place on Nov. 5
Aug. 27
1st Day absentee ballots request forms can be submitted to the Election Office.
Oct. 16
1st Day Election Office will mail absentee ballots to those who requested one.
Oct. 21
Absentee ballot request forms must be received at the Election Office by 5PM to receive an absentee ballot by mail.
Oct. 16
In person absentee voting begins M-F, 8 to 4:30 at Election Office, 316 E 5th St., Room 210, Waterloo, IA 50703 and ends at 4:30 on Monday, Nov. 4th.
Oct. 21
Extended in person absentee voting at election office from 8 to 5 PM.
Nov. 1
Extended in person absentee voting at election office from 8 to 5 PM.
Nov. 2
Special Saturday in person absentee voting at election office from 9 AM to 5 PM
Nov. 4
Last day to vote in person by absentee voting at election office from 8 to 4:30.
Nov. 5
Vote at polls 7 AM to 8 PM